Make the Shift Leaving for college is a concept that comes with many mixed emotions. Most students in high school are eager to “just move out and leave already.” Other students may be sad to let go of all the things that come with high school like the student section at all the football and basketball games, dances like homecoming and prom, pep rallies, and their sporting events. The reality of college hits you on your first night away, all alone in your dorm, after your parents have said their goodbyes. Many incoming freshmen will start to feel overwhelmed and get homesick. Personally, I am very much a homebody and a momma’s girl. For weeks leading up to move-in day, I would get so anxious at the thought of having to leave the house that I grew up in for eighteen years of my life. Organizations around campus have activities planned from the moment you open your eyes to start the day until two in the morning, allowing you to go back to your dorm and easily fall asleep. ...